• If you have the motivation and commitment to take into account, we will be happy to consider your candidacy.

  • After receiving your resume, the HR manager will call you to clarify the information. If we meet the expectations, we invite you to an interview with the HR manager, where we decide on the position and offer. The next step is to schedule an interview with the head of the department in which you plan to work. This may include technical/specialized questions or practical cases. Based on the results of all interviews, we make a decision and contact you to discuss the details. We strive to make this process as transparent and comfortable as possible for you!

  • Usually, we open a search for management positions only in case of opening a new direction. 90% of our managers rose from line positions. In addition, we have the opportunity for development in other departments of the company

  • Yes, of course, we have such options for employees who wish to change their place of residence and work. Firstly, thanks to the company's extensive structure with offices across the country, we can offer a transfer to a similar position in another region. Secondly, we highly value our professionals. If a situation occurs when an employee wants to move to another city where there is currently no suitable position, we consider opening a new position specifically for them.
